SBA 7(a) Borrower Information Form Certification

For use with loans offered under SBA 7(a) Loan Programs
SBA Form 1919 Applicant Certification

The Applicant certifies that it complies with all Loan Program Requirements as defined in 13 CFR § 120.10, including but not limited to requirements in 13 CFR §§ 120.100, 120.110, 121.301, and 31 CFR § 285.13. The Applicant further certifies that the applicant business is at least 51 percent owned and controlled by persons who are citizens of the U.S. or are Lawful Permanent Residents and that all SBA loan proceeds will be used in accordance with Loan Program Requirements. SBA or the SBA Lender may request additional information to determine that an Applicant fulfills any eligibility requirement. SBA or an SBA Lender processing a loan under delegated authority may accept as true the Applicant is eligible as certified. By signing the application, the Applicant has certified that it fulfills all eligibility requirements. If the Applicant eligibility certification is determined to be invalid, for 7(a), SBA will not use this as a basis to deny or repair the guaranty purchase request and for 504, it will not impact the debenture guaranty.

The authorized representative of the Applicant and the Operating Company certifies to the following:

  • I have read the statements included in SBA Form 1919, including the Statements Required by Law and Executive Order, and I understand them.
  • I certify that the information provided in this application and the information provided in all supporting documents and forms is true and accurate in all material respects. The Applicant understands that knowingly making a false statement to obtain a guaranteed loan from SBA is punishable under the law, including under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and 3571 by imprisonment of not more than five years and/or a fine of up to $250,000; under 15 U.S.C. 645 by imprisonment of not more than two years and/or a fine of not more than $5,000; and, if submitted to a federally insured institution, under 18 U.S.C. 1014 by imprisonment of not more than thirty years and/or a fine of not more than $1,000,000.
  • I will comply, whenever applicable, with the hazard insurance, lead-based paint, civil rights or other limitations set forth in SBA Loan Program Requirements.
  • No holder of 50 percent or more of the ownership of the Applicant or Operating Company (“OC”) is delinquent more than 60 days under the terms of any administrative order; court order; or repayment agreement requiring payment of child support.
  • Applicant and OC are current on all Federal, state, and local taxes, including but not limited to income taxes, payroll taxes, real estate taxes and sales taxes of the business, and will pay all Federal, state, and local taxes when they come due.
  • All 7(a) loan proceeds will be used only for the Applicant business as approved by the Lender and/or SBA.
  • I understand, acknowledge, agree, and consent that the Lender can share any tax information that I have provided and/or that the Lender has obtained from the Internal Revenue Service with SBA’s authorized representatives, including authorized representatives of the SBA Office of Inspector General, for the purpose of compliance with SBA Loan Program Requirements and all SBA reviews.
  • I acknowledge that the Lender will confirm the eligible loan amount using required documents submitted.
  • The Applicant, together with all affiliates, is small under the applicable small business size standard (13 CFR 121.201 and Section 3(a)(5) of the Small Business Act [15 U.S.C. 631 et seq]. SBA or the Lender may request additional information concerning the Applicant’s size based on information supplied in the application or any other source.
  • The Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA) requires that no federal financial assistance for “infrastructure” projects is provided “unless all of the iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in the project are produced in the United States.” Section 70914 of Public Law No. 117-58, §§ 70901-52. The undersigned certifies that if any SBA loan proceeds are used directly or indirectly for an infrastructure project, the iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in the construction of the infrastructure project are in full compliance with the BABAA requirements including: 1. All iron and steel used in the project are produced in the United States; 2. All manufactured products purchased with SBA financial assistance must be produced in the United States; and 3. All construction materials used in the construction are manufactured in the United States. And the Borrower will obtain from the Contractors, or Subcontractors, certifications, or affirmations as to their compliance with BABAA requirements in the project. SBA encourages the purchase, to the extent feasible, of American-made equipment and supplies.
  • The Applicant is not engaged and will not engage in any activity that is illegal under federal, state, or local law or that can reasonably be determined to support or facilitate any activity that is illegal under federal, state, or local law.
  • During the life of the loan, the real estate pledged as collateral for the loan or where the Borrower or OC conducts its business operations will not be leased to or occupied by any business that Borrower or OC knows is engaged in any activity that is illegal under Federal, state or local law or any activity that can reasonably be determined to support, promote, or facilitate any activity that is illegal under Federal, state or local law.
  • If applicable, the Applicant(s), the ESOP (or equivalent trust), and/or the 401(k) plan are in compliance with all applicable IRS, Treasury, and Department of Labor requirements and will comply with all relevant operating and reporting requirements.
  • If the 7(a) loan request is for a Standard 7(a) loan (loan greater than $500,000), and if the loan will finance a change of ownership between existing owners (complete partner buyout), and if the 7(a) loan proceeds will finance more than 90% of the purchase price of the partner buyout, the remaining owner(s) must certify that they have been actively participating in the business operation and held the same or an increasing ownership interest in the business for at least the past 24 months. For any real estate to be purchased by loan proceeds and pledged as collateral for the loan or where the Applicant or OC is conducting business operations, the Applicant or OC are currently and will remain in compliance with all local, state, and Federal environmental laws and regulations and will continue to comply with these laws and regulations. Furthermore, they are unaware of any other actual or potential environmental hazards related to the collateral or business premises. They agree to fully indemnify Lender and SBA against all liabilities or losses arising from the contamination of the property before or during the term of the loan.
  • The Applicant and/or OC will reimburse Lender for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the making and administration of the loan.
  • The Applicant and/or OC will maintain proper books and records, allow Lender and SBA access to these records, and furnish financial statements or reports annually or whenever requested by Lender.
  • The Applicant and/or OC will post SBA Form 722, Equal Opportunity Poster, where it is clearly visible to employees, applicants for employment and the general public.
  • For debt refinance, the debt being refinanced with the loan proceeds was used exclusively for the Applicant’s business, including any credit card, HELOC, and/or debt on the Applicant’s balance sheet; and
  • The Applicant and OC will not, without Lender’s prior written consent:
    • Make any distribution of company assets that will adversely affect the financial condition of the Borrower and/or OC.
    • Change the ownership structure or interests in the business during the term of the loan; and
    • Sell, lease, pledge, encumber (except by purchase money liens on property acquired after the date of the Note), or otherwise dispose of any of the Borrower’s property or assets, except in the ordinary course of business.